Fay Efrosini Lellios

George Pelecanos, Fay Efrosini Lellios, George H Lellios, Antigoni Gavriatopoulou

Marianna Polychronidi, Georgia Zoi, Dimitra Banti, Ioannis Tsoumarakis, Theo Alexander, Nikos Zivas, Vera Malgonaj


Cinematographer: Greg Panopoulos

Locations: Thisvi, Domvraina, Palaio Faliro and Athens, Greece

Editor: Maria Kounavi


The third Oscar-Qualifying film of the Thisvi Trilogy.

A U.S.-based photographer visits Greece for an exhibit of her work, reflecting on the journey of leaving her homeland of Turkey as a young student.

The trailer for HUZUN can be viewed on Vimeo.

HUZUN began its Oscar-qualification run at the Laemmle Royal in West Los Angeles on Friday July 8, 2022.

HUZUN is included on a recent “Now Playing” list at the AFI Alumni Connection and “New Projects” in the AFI Alumni Newsletter.

An interview with Fay Lellios about HUZUN appeared in The National Herald (subscription required) and Εθνικός Κήρυκας (in Greek).

An article on HUZUN appeared in The Pappas Post.

Additional information about HUZUN can be found at Facebook and IMDb.